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Farata Chicken Roll
18 Min
Filling lunch, easy to prepare for children's lunchbox for shcool.
240 grams
Poulet, poulets de chair ou friteuses, viande et peau, crus
Oignons, crus
Ail, cru
Tomates, rouges, mûres, crues, en moyenne toute l'année
3 brins
Persil (frais
30 grams
MAGGI® Sauce aux huîtres
45 grams
NESTLÉ® crème dessert et cuisson
1 cuillères à soupe
Farine de blé, blanche, tout usage, enrichie, blanchie
2 Feuilles
Laitue, feuille verte, crue
2 pièces
Pain, paratha, blé entier, préparé commercialement, congelé
10 grams
Fromage, cheddar américain, imitation
18 Minutes
Marinate the chicken
5 Min
Mix the MAGGI OYSTER SAUCE with the chicken
Cook the chicken
10 Min
In a saucepan, put a little olive oil, add the onion, garlic - parsley and diced love potatoes. Simmer Add the chicken and cook for a few minutes - add a little water if necessary.
Prepare the sauce and add it to the chicken
2 Min
In a bowl, combine the flour and the NESTLÉ DESSERT AND COOKING CREAM Pour the mixture over the chicken - salt and pepper
Prepare the farata
1 Min
Place 1-2 lettuce leaves on a farata, add the chicken on top, add some grated cheese - and roll!
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Download PDFNutrients
47.79 g
615.63 kcal
33.42 g
29.49 g
Information per serving