Mawa Kheer (Indian dessert)

15 Min

Try this Mawa Kheer recipe and discover an easy and quick Indian dessert that can be made for special occasions such as Ramadan or Holi.



Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes 8 here


200 grammes
NESTLÉ® Lait concentré sucré
10 grammes
Noix, pignons de pin séchés
1 grammes
Épices, safran
50 grammes
Graines, graines de lotus, séchées
50 grammes
Raisins secs, épépinés
50 grammes
Noix, noix de cajou, crues
25 grammes
Noix, amandes, blanchies
1 cuillères à café
Épices, cardamome
2 tasses
Lait, non gras, liquide, enrichi en protéines, avec ajout de vitamine A et de vitamine D (sans gras et écrémé)
40 grammes
Beurre, beurre clarifié (ghee)

Our best tips & tricks for customized portion size

If the quantities are increased, the cooking time may be extended, so look again. Use water & spices sparingly at first and add more later if needed.

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Lets Cook


15 Minutes
Mix your ingredients
5 Min
Mix together NESTLÉ® full cream sweetened condensed milk and fresh milk, add the saffron and set aside.
Fry the seeds and the fruits
5 Min
Heat ½ tbsp ghee and fry the lotus seeds for a minute, remove from pan. Cool and crush the seeds. Heat remaining ghee and fry all the dried fruits until golden brown.
Add seeds and fruits to the condensed milk
5 Min
Add the crushed makhana (seeds) and fruit to the condensed milk mixture and bring to a boil, simmer till thick and creamy. Add the cardamom powder, mix well and remove from heat. Serve hot or cold.
Mawa Kheer (Indian dessert)

Mix your ingredients of 3

srh_media_1694756780 srh_media_1694756780
Ingredients: Lait, non gras, liquide, enrichi en protéines, avec ajout de vitamine A et de vitamine D (sans gras et écrémé), NESTLÉ® Lait concentré sucré, Épices, safran

Mix together NESTLÉ® full cream sweetened condensed milk and fresh milk, add the saffron and set aside.

Mawa Kheer (Indian dessert)

Fry the seeds and the fruits of 3

srh_media_1694756780 srh_media_1694756780
Ingredients: Noix, pignons de pin séchés, Graines, graines de lotus, séchées, Raisins secs, épépinés, Noix, amandes, blanchies, Noix, noix de cajou, crues, Beurre, beurre clarifié (ghee)

Heat ½ tbsp ghee and fry the lotus seeds for a minute, remove from pan. Cool and crush the seeds. Heat remaining ghee and fry all the dried fruits until golden brown.

Mawa Kheer (Indian dessert)

Add seeds and fruits to the condensed milk of 3

srh_media_1694756780 srh_media_1694756780
Ingredients: Épices, cardamome

Add the crushed makhana (seeds) and fruit to the condensed milk mixture and bring to a boil, simmer till thick and creamy. Add the cardamom powder, mix well and remove from heat. Serve hot or cold.

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Les glucides
29.24 g
253.29 kcal
Les graisses
12.6 g
7.28 g
Information per serving

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