Vegetable Potage

35 Min

A vegetable potage that is easy and made in one-pot without stock. Loaded with vegetables this vegetable potage is light, healthy and nutritious.



Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes 1 here


Oignons, crus
Carottes crues
Chayote, fruit, raw
20 grammes
Corn, sweet, yellow, raw
15 grammes
Peas, green, raw
0.5 cuillères à soupe
Persil (frais
1 cuillères à soupe
Huile, soja, salade ou cuisson
3 tasses
Eau, en bouteille, générique
1 pincées
Épices, poivre, noir
5 grammes
Sel, table

Our best tips & tricks for customized portion size

If the quantities are increased, the cooking time may be extended, so look again. Use water & spices sparingly at first and add more later if needed.

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Lets Cook


35 Minutes
5 Min
Prepare the vegetables as indicated in the ingredient list.
1 Min
Heat the saucepan and add the oil.
1 Min
Fry the onions to soften.
1 Min
Add the diced carrots and chayote, corn and peas to the saucepan.
4 Min
Allow the vegetables to cook for 5 minutes. Cover.
15 Min
Add water to the vegetables and allow to cook for 15 minutes until the vegetables are ready.
9 Min
Add parsley and allow to cook for further 10 minutes.
1 Min
Off heat, season with salt and pepper according to taste.
1 Min
Serve hot.
Vegetable Potage

Step1 of 9

srh_media_1694758915 srh_media_1694758879
Ingredients: Oignons, crus, Corn, sweet, yellow, raw, Persil (frais, Carottes crues, Chayote, fruit, raw, Peas, green, raw

Prepare the vegetables as indicated in the ingredient list.

Vegetable Potage

Step2 of 9

Ingredients: Huile, soja, salade ou cuisson

Heat the saucepan and add the oil.

Vegetable Potage

Step3 of 9

Ingredients: Oignons, crus

Fry the onions to soften.

Vegetable Potage

Step4 of 9

Ingredients: Carottes crues, Chayote, fruit, raw, Peas, green, raw, Corn, sweet, yellow, raw

Add the diced carrots and chayote, corn and peas to the saucepan.

Vegetable Potage

Step5 of 9

srh_media_1694758396 srh_media_1694758523
Ingredients: Oignons, crus, Corn, sweet, yellow, raw, Peas, green, raw, Carottes crues, Persil (frais, Chayote, fruit, raw

Allow the vegetables to cook for 5 minutes. Cover.

Vegetable Potage

Step6 of 9

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Ingredients: Eau, en bouteille, générique

Add water to the vegetables and allow to cook for 15 minutes until the vegetables are ready.

Vegetable Potage

Step7 of 9

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Ingredients: Persil (frais

Add parsley and allow to cook for further 10 minutes.

Vegetable Potage

Step8 of 9

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Ingredients: Sel, table, Épices, poivre, noir

Off heat, season with salt and pepper according to taste.

Vegetable Potage

Step9 of 9


Serve hot.

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Les glucides
22.24 g
222.29 kcal
Les graisses
14.8 g
4.28 g
Information per serving

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